Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Hasta Luego

I've got less than 36 hours before I head south of the border. In this case, I'll be doing it twice. From Canada to the States and from the States to Mexico. I am not planning to have much in the way of internet access while I'm there so you'll probably have to wait until I return for another post. In the meantime, here's a website that will answer the long-held question: "What happens when a crazy person writes stories that involve Roy Orbison and Saran Wrap?" This is likely to leave you occupied, confused and maybe a little frightened until I get back.

If I see many palm trees like these while I'm away I'll hate them in honour of those of you trudging through snow. Can't say I never did anything for you. ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jealous, so very jealous. Enjoy, have fun!!