Saturday, March 18, 2006

So, you've probably heard of the Iditarod. You know, the 1760km dog-sled race (which happened just to have ended this week). Well, I just learned about a very different race, the Idiotarod. Taking place in New York City and specifically between Brooklyn and Manhattan the dog-sleds are replaced with often ill-gotten shopping carts. The teams include one "musher" and four runners though I understand that some teams also had many saboteurs in place to mess with the other teams.

I stumbled across photos of this while surfing Flickr for interesting content. I'm happy that it transcends photography and helps share fun and ridiculous things with those of us "non-idiots".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fun was certainly being had by our New York cousins. Without fun, the life path although maybe meaningful, can be boring. Bring on the fun!